// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html // Decompiler options: braces fieldsfirst space lnc package cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.analysis; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.Debug; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.Keeper; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.Utils; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.chart.util.ChartData; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.model.DaySportData; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.model.PersonInfo; import cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.model.SportData; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; // Referenced classes of package cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.analysis: // c, ActiveItem, b, StageSteps, // SleepInfo, StepsInfo public class DataAnalysis { public static boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int a = 30; private static final int b = 3; private static final int c = 5; private static final int d = 10; private static final int e = 30; private static final int f = 15; private static final int g = 20; private static final double h = 0.41999999999999998D; private static final double i[][] = { { 2D, 2D }, { 2.5D, 2.2000000000000002D }, { 3D, 2.5D }, { 3.5D, 3D }, { 5D, 4D }, { 6.2999999999999998D, 4.5D }, { 8D, 5D }, { 10D, 6D }, { 13D, 7D }, { 15.5D, 8D }, { 18D, 9D } }; private static final double j[][] = { { 40.232999999999997D, 0.94999999999999996D }, { 53.645000000000003D, 1.1899999999999999D }, { 67.055999999999997D, 1.4099999999999999D }, { 80.466999999999999D, 1.5700000000000001D }, { 93.878D, 1.78D }, { 107.29000000000001D, 2.3599999999999999D }, { 120.7D, 2.9700000000000002D }, { 134.11000000000001D, 3.79D }, { 160.94D, 4.6699999999999999D }, { 187.75999999999999D, 5.2400000000000002D }, { 214.58000000000001D, 5.6200000000000001D }, { 241.40000000000001D, 6.0999999999999996D }, { 268.23000000000002D, 6.9100000000000001D }, { 295.05000000000001D, 7.6200000000000001D }, { 321.87D, 9.0500000000000007D }, { 348.69D, 9.4299999999999997D }, { 375.51999999999998D, 10.949999999999999D } }; public DataAnalysis() { } private static int a(ArrayList arraylist, int ai[], int ai1[], int k, int l) { int i1 = ai.length; int j1 = 0; int k1 = 0; while (k <= l) { int l1 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getActivity(); int i2; if (l1 < 20) { if (l1 < 2) { i2 = 0; } else { i2 = 2; } } for (i2 = 1; k1 > 0 && i2 != ai[k1]; k1 = ai1[k1 - 1]) { } int j2; int l2; int i3; if (i2 == ai[k1]) { j2 = k1 + 1; } else { j2 = k1; } if (j2 == i1) { int j3 = ai1[j2 - 1]; i3 = j1 + 1; l2 = j3; } else { int k2 = j1; l2 = j2; i3 = k2; } k++; k1 = l2; j1 = i3; } return j1; } private static c a(ArrayList arraylist, int k, int l, SharedPreferences sharedpreferences, boolean flag, int i1, boolean flag1, boolean flag2, cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.chart.util.ChartData.UserSleepModify usersleepmodify, int j1) { ArrayList arraylist1; int k1; int l1; int i2; int j2; int k2; arraylist1 = new ArrayList(); int k45; int l45; if (flag2) { k1 = 1440; } else { k1 = 2880; } l1 = 0; i2 = 0; if (usersleepmodify == null) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: k45 = usersleepmodify.sleepStart; l1 = 0; i2 = 0; if (k45 >= -1440) { l45 = usersleepmodify.sleepStart; l1 = 0; i2 = 0; if (l45 <= 1440) { int i46; if (flag2) { if (usersleepmodify.sleepStart >= 0) { i46 = usersleepmodify.sleepStart; } else { i46 = 0; } } else { i46 = j1 + usersleepmodify.sleepStart; } i2 = i46; l1 = 1; } } if (usersleepmodify.sleepEnd < -1440 || usersleepmodify.sleepEnd > 1440) goto _L2; else goto _L3 _L3: if (flag2) { if (usersleepmodify.sleepEnd < arraylist.size()) { k1 = usersleepmodify.sleepEnd; } else { k1 = -1 + arraylist.size(); } } else { k1 = j1 + usersleepmodify.sleepEnd; } l1 += 2; if (k1 <= 0) goto _L2; else goto _L4 _L4: k1--; j2 = i2; k2 = l1; _L99: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepanalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("form ").append(k).append("->").append(l).toString()); } int l2 = Math.min(l, arraylist.size()); int i3 = l2 - 1; do { if (i3 <= k || ((SportData)arraylist.get(i3)).getSportMode() != 126) { int j3 = 0; int k3 = k; int l3 = 0; int i4 = k; while (i4 < i3) { SportData sportdata1 = (SportData)arraylist.get(i4); int j45; if (sportdata1.getStep() > 0 && sportdata1.getActivity() >= 60) { j45 = l3 + 1; j3 = i4; } else if (sportdata1.getActivity() >= 6) { j45 = l3 + 1; } else { int j4; int k4; int l4; int i5; int j5; int k5; int l5; int i6; boolean flag3; int j6; int k6; int l6; int i7; int j7; int k7; int l7; int i8; int j8; int k8; int l8; int i9; int j9; int k9; int l9; int i10; int j10; int k10; int l10; int i11; ArrayList arraylist2; int j11; int k11; int l11; int i12; int j12; int k12; int l12; int i13; int j13; int k13; int l13; int i14; int j14; int k14; int l14; boolean flag4; int i15; boolean flag5; int j15; int k15; int l15; int i16; int j16; int k16; int l16; int i17; int j17; int k17; int l17; int i18; int j18; int k18; int l18; int i19; int j19; int k19; int l19; HashMap hashmap; HashMap hashmap1; int i20; int j20; int k20; int l20; int i21; int j21; int k21; int l21; int i22; int j22; int k22; int l22; HashMap hashmap2; int i23; int j23; int k23; int l23; int i24; int j24; int k24; HashMap hashmap3; int l24; int i25; int j25; int k25; int l25; int i26; int j26; int k26; int l26; int i27; HashMap hashmap4; int j27; int k27; int l27; int i28; HashMap hashmap5; int j28; int k28; int l28; int i29; int j29; int k29; HashMap hashmap6; HashMap hashmap7; int l29; int i30; int j30; int k30; int l30; int i31; int j31; int k31; ArrayList arraylist3; int l31; int i32; int j32; HashMap hashmap8; int k32; int l32; ArrayList arraylist4; int i33; int j33; int k33; int l33; HashMap hashmap9; int i34; HashMap hashmap10; int j34; int k34; int l34; int i35; int j35; int k35; int l35; int i36; int j36; int k36; int l36; HashMap hashmap11; int i37; int j37; int k37; int l37; int i38; int j38; int k38; int l38; int i39; int j39; HashMap hashmap12; int k39; int l39; int i40; int j40; int k40; int l40; int i41; int j41; int k41; int l41; int i42; int j42; HashMap hashmap13; int k42; int l42; int i43; int j43; int k43; int l43; int i44; int j44; SportData sportdata; int k44; int l44; int i45; if (l3 > 9) { b(arraylist, k3, -1 + (i4 - l3)); a(arraylist, i4 - l3, i4 - 1); l44 = 0; k44 = i4; } else if (j3 > 0) { b(arraylist, k3, -1 + (i4 - l3)); a(arraylist, i4 - l3, i4 - 1); k44 = i4; l44 = 0; } else { k44 = k3; l44 = j3; } i45 = k44; j3 = l44; k3 = i45; j45 = 0; } i4++; l3 = j45; } break; } i3--; } while (true); if (l3 > 9) { b(arraylist, k3, -1 + (i4 - l3)); a(arraylist, i4 - l3, i4 - 1); j4 = i4; } else if (j3 > 0) { b(arraylist, k3, -1 + (i4 - l3)); a(arraylist, i4 - l3, i4 - 1); j4 = i4; } else { j4 = k3; } if (!flag1) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: l43 = 0; i44 = j4; _L16: if (i44 >= i3) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_6607; } sportdata = (SportData)arraylist.get(i44); if (sportdata.getStep() <= 0 || sportdata.getActivity() < 60) goto _L8; else goto _L7 _L7: j44 = 10; _L15: if (j44 <= 9) { b(arraylist, j4, i3); } _L6: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", "do Analyze"); } k4 = k + 1; l4 = k; _L13: if (k4 >= l2) goto _L10; else goto _L9 _L9: i40 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k4 - 1)).getSportMode(); j40 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k4)).getSportMode(); if (i40 == 5 || i40 == 4 || j40 != 5 && j40 != 4) goto _L12; else goto _L11 _L11: k40 = k4; _L39: k4++; l4 = k40; goto _L13 _L8: if (sportdata.getActivity() < 6) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_756; } j44 = l43 + 1; if (j44 > 9) goto _L15; else goto _L14 _L14: i44++; l43 = j44; goto _L16 j44 = 0; goto _L14 _L12: if (i40 != 5 && i40 != 4 || j40 == 4 || j40 == 5) goto _L18; else goto _L17 _L17: l40 = 0; i41 = l4; _L40: if (i41 >= k4 - 1) goto _L20; else goto _L19 _L19: if (((SportData)arraylist.get(i41)).getActivity() >= 6) goto _L22; else goto _L21 _L21: j41 = l40 + 1; if (j41 < 5) goto _L24; else goto _L23 _L23: k41 = 1 + (i41 - j41); if (k41 < 0) { l41 = 0; } else { l41 = k41; } a(arraylist, l4, l41 - 1); i42 = k4 - 1; if (1 + (i42 - l41) < 120) goto _L26; else goto _L25 _L25: i43 = 0; j43 = i42; _L41: if (j43 < l41) goto _L28; else goto _L27 _L27: if (((SportData)arraylist.get(j43)).getActivity() >= 6) goto _L30; else goto _L29 _L29: k43 = i43 + 1; if (k43 < 5) goto _L32; else goto _L31 _L31: i42 = -1 + (k43 + j43); a(arraylist, i42 + 1, k4 - 1); _L26: j42 = i42; if (j42 - l41 < 15) goto _L34; else goto _L33 _L33: hashmap13 = new HashMap(); hashmap13.put("start", Integer.valueOf(l41)); hashmap13.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(j42)); hashmap13.put("reset", Integer.valueOf(0)); k42 = l4; _L42: if (k42 >= k && ((SportData)arraylist.get(k42)).getStep() <= 0 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(k42)).getSportMode() != 126) goto _L36; else goto _L35 _L35: hashmap13.put("startBed", Integer.valueOf(k42 + 1)); l42 = k4; _L43: if (l42 <= l && ((SportData)arraylist.get(l42)).getStep() <= 0 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(l42)).getSportMode() != 126) goto _L38; else goto _L37 _L37: hashmap13.put("stopBed", Integer.valueOf(l42 - 1)); arraylist1.add(hashmap13); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("item:").append(l41).append("->").append(j42).toString()); } k40 = l4; goto _L39 _L22: j41 = 0; _L24: i41++; l40 = j41; goto _L40 _L30: k43 = 0; _L32: j43--; i43 = k43; goto _L41 _L36: k42--; goto _L42 _L38: l42++; goto _L43 _L34: if (j42 - l41 >= 0) { a(arraylist, l41, j42); } _L18: k40 = l4; goto _L39 _L10: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("Sleep sections=").append(arraylist1.size()).toString()); } if (arraylist1.size() <= 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_6568; } k9 = i1 + 1920; l9 = i1 + 1380; i10 = i1 + 1440; if (l9 < 0) { j10 = 0; } else { j10 = l9; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("Use Ref: ").append(j2).append("->").append(k1).toString()); } Log.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("Use Ref: ").append(j2).append("->").append(k1).append(", hasRef=").append(0).toString()); if (arraylist1.size() < 2) { k10 = arraylist1.size(); } else { k10 = 2; } l10 = 0; if (l10 >= k10) goto _L45; else goto _L44 _L44: j37 = 0; k37 = 0; for (l37 = 0; l37 < arraylist1.size(); l37++) { hashmap12 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(l37); k39 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap12.get("start").toString()); l39 = 1 + (Integer.parseInt(hashmap12.get("stop").toString()) - k39); if (l39 > k37 && k39 < k9) { k37 = l39; j37 = l37; } } i38 = 0; if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("maxSec=").append(j37).append(",maxS=").append(k37).toString()); } j38 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(j37)).get("start").toString()); k38 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(j37)).get("stop").toString()); l38 = j38; while (l38 <= k38) { if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l38)).getSportMode() == 5) { j39 = i38 + 1; } else { j39 = i38; } l38++; i38 = j39; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("maxSec:").append(j38).append("->").append(k38).append(",nrem=").append(i38).toString()); } if (((double)i38 >= 0.97999999999999998D * (double)k37 || (double)i38 <= 0.65000000000000002D * (double)k37) && k37 > 0 && true) goto _L47; else goto _L46 _L46: if (k37 > 0) { i39 = (i38 * 100) / k37; } else { i39 = 85; } i11 = i39; _L97: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("quality ref=").append(i11).toString()); } arraylist2 = new ArrayList(); j11 = 0; _L49: if (j11 >= arraylist1.size()) { break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } hashmap7 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(j11); l29 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap7.get("start").toString()); i30 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap7.get("stop").toString()); j30 = 1 + (i30 - l29); if (j30 < 15) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("del ").append(j11).toString()); } arraylist2.add(Integer.valueOf(j11)); } else { label0: { ((HashMap)arraylist1.get(j11)).put("refmode", Integer.valueOf(0)); Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("hasRef=").append(0).append(",refMode=").append(0).toString()); Log.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append(l29).append("->").append(i30).append(",hasRef=").append(0).append(",refMode=").append(0).toString()); k30 = 0; l30 = 0; i31 = l29; while (i31 <= i30) { if (((SportData)arraylist.get(i31)).getSportMode() == 5) { l30++; } if (((SportData)arraylist.get(i31)).getActivity() >= 15) { i37 = k30 + 1; } else { i37 = k30; } i31++; k30 = i37; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("Sec").append(j11).append(":").append(l29).append("->").append(i30).append(" nrem=").append(l30).append(" quality=").append((l30 * 100) / j30).append(",activeNum=").append(k30).toString()); } if (i11 >= 75) { i11 - 5; } if (i11 <= 92) { i11 + 5; } if (i11 < 85) { j31 = 70; } else { j31 = i11 - 15; } if (i11 <= 87) { i11 + 10; } k31 = (l30 * 100) / j30; if ((j30 < 100 || k31 >= j31 && k31 < 98) && (j30 >= 100 || k31 >= j31 && k31 < 98) || j11 == -1 + arraylist1.size()) { break label0; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("del ").append(j11).toString()); } arraylist2.add(Integer.valueOf(j11)); } } _L57: j11++; if (true) goto _L49; else goto _L48 _L47: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("del MAX ").append(j37).toString()); } a(arraylist, j38, k38); arraylist1.remove(j37); l10++; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1411; arraylist3 = new ArrayList(); l31 = l29 + 1; i32 = l29; while (l31 <= i30) { if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l31)).getSportMode() != ((SportData)arraylist.get(l31 - 1)).getSportMode()) { l36 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(i32)).getSportMode(); if (l36 == 5 && l31 - i32 < 10) { l36 = 4; a(arraylist, i32, l31 - 1, l36); } hashmap11 = new HashMap(); hashmap11.put("start", Integer.valueOf(i32)); hashmap11.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(l31 - 1)); hashmap11.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(l36)); arraylist3.add(hashmap11); k36 = l31; } else { k36 = i32; } l31++; i32 = k36; } j32 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(i32)).getSportMode(); if (j32 == 5 && (i30 + 1) - i32 < 10) { j32 = 4; a(arraylist, i32, i30, j32); } hashmap8 = new HashMap(); hashmap8.put("start", Integer.valueOf(i32)); hashmap8.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i30)); hashmap8.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(j32)); arraylist3.add(hashmap8); k32 = 0; l32 = 0; while (l32 < arraylist3.size()) { i35 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist3.get(l32)).get("start")).intValue(); j35 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist3.get(l32)).get("stop")).intValue(); k35 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist3.get(l32)).get("mode")).intValue(); l35 = 1 + (j35 - i35); if (k35 != 7) { if (k35 == 5 && l35 > k32) { k32 = l35; } if ((k35 == 4 || k35 == 5) && k35 == 4 && l35 < 10 && l32 > 0 && l32 < -1 + arraylist3.size()) { i36 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist3.get(l32 - 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); j36 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist3.get(l32 + 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); if (i36 == 5 && j36 == 5) { a(arraylist, i35, j35, 5); } } } l32++; } arraylist4 = new ArrayList(); i33 = 0; j33 = 0; k33 = l29 + 1; l33 = l29; if (k33 > i30) goto _L51; else goto _L50 _L50: if (((SportData)arraylist.get(k33)).getSportMode() == ((SportData)arraylist.get(k33 - 1)).getSportMode()) goto _L53; else goto _L52 _L52: hashmap10 = new HashMap(); hashmap10.put("start", Integer.valueOf(l33)); hashmap10.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(k33 - 1)); hashmap10.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(((SportData)arraylist.get(l33)).getSportMode())); arraylist4.add(hashmap10); if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l33)).getSportMode() != 5) goto _L55; else goto _L54 _L54: i33++; if (k33 - l33 <= j33) goto _L55; else goto _L56 _L56: j34 = k33 - l33; k34 = i33; _L95: l34 = k33; _L96: k33++; l33 = l34; i33 = k34; j33 = j34; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2972; _L51: hashmap9 = new HashMap(); hashmap9.put("start", Integer.valueOf(l33)); hashmap9.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i30)); hashmap9.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(((SportData)arraylist.get(l33)).getSportMode())); arraylist4.add(hashmap9); if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l33)).getSportMode() == 5) { i33++; if (1 + (i30 - l33) > j33) { j33 = 1 + (i30 - l33); } } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("total=").append(arraylist4.size()).append(",maxnrem=").append(k32).append(",nremNum=").append(i33).append(",size=").append(j30).append(",quality=").append(k31).append(",maxnrem2=").append(j33).toString()); } if (arraylist4.size() <= 1 || k32 > 150 || k32 > 120 && i33 <= 1 || i33 <= 1 && j30 >= 120 && k31 > 95 || i33 > j30 / 20 && j30 >= 60 || (k30 * 100) / j30 >= 40 || (k30 * 100) / j30 <= 1 && j30 >= 60) { i34 = a(arraylist, new int[] { 0, 1, 0 }, new int[] { 0, 0, 1 }, l29, i30); if (j11 == -1 + arraylist1.size() && j30 < 120 && k31 > 60 && l29 < k9 || i34 > 0 && i33 > 0 && k31 < 97 && (k30 * 100) / j30 < 40) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", "not del last"); } } else { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("del ").append(j11).toString()); } arraylist2.add(Integer.valueOf(j11)); } } goto _L57 _L48: if (arraylist2.size() > 0) { for (j29 = -1 + arraylist2.size(); j29 >= 0; j29--) { k29 = Integer.parseInt(arraylist2.get(j29).toString()); hashmap6 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(k29); a(arraylist, Integer.parseInt(hashmap6.get("start").toString()), Integer.parseInt(hashmap6.get("stop").toString())); arraylist1.remove(k29); } } k11 = arraylist1.size(); if (k11 > 1) { j20 = 0; k20 = 0; l20 = 0; while (l20 < k11) { hashmap5 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(l20); j28 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap5.get("start").toString()); k28 = 1 + (Integer.parseInt(hashmap5.get("stop").toString()) - j28); if (k28 > j20) { i29 = k28; l28 = l20; } else { l28 = k20; i29 = j20; } l20++; j20 = i29; k20 = l28; } if (Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(k20)).get("start").toString()) > k9 && j20 < 180) { k26 = 0; l26 = 0; i27 = 0; while (i27 < k11) { hashmap4 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(i27); j27 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap4.get("start").toString()); k27 = 1 + (Integer.parseInt(hashmap4.get("stop").toString()) - j27); if (k27 > k26 && j27 < k9) { i28 = k27; l27 = i27; } else { l27 = l26; i28 = k26; } i27++; k26 = i28; l26 = l27; } if (k26 > 0) { k20 = l26; } } i21 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(k20)).get("stop").toString()); j21 = 0; k21 = k20 + 1; while (k21 < k11) { hashmap3 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(k21); l24 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap3.get("start").toString()); i25 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap3.get("stop").toString()); j25 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap3.get("refmode").toString()); k25 = 1 + (l24 - i21); l25 = 1 + (i25 - l24); if ((k25 > l25 && (i25 >= k9 || l24 <= j10) || k25 >= l25 * 2) && j25 == 0) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("delta > size, del ").append(k21).toString()); } a(arraylist, l24, i25); i26 = j21 | 1 << k21; j26 = i21; } else { i26 = j21; j26 = i25; } k21++; i21 = j26; j21 = i26; } l21 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(k20)).get("start").toString()); i22 = k20 - 1; j22 = l21; k22 = j21; while (i22 >= 0) { hashmap2 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(i22); i23 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap2.get("start").toString()); j23 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap2.get("stop").toString()); k23 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap2.get("refmode").toString()); l23 = (j22 + 1) - j23; i24 = 1 + (j23 - i23); if ((l23 > i24 && (j23 >= k9 || i23 <= j10) || l23 >= i24 * 2) && k23 == 0) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("delta2 > size, del ").append(i22).toString()); } a(arraylist, i23, j23); k24 = k22 | 1 << i22; j24 = j22; } else { j24 = i23; k24 = k22; } i22--; k22 = k24; j22 = j24; } for (l22 = 31; l22 >= 0; l22--) { if ((k22 & 1 << l22) == 0) { continue; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("del ").append(l22).toString()); } arraylist1.remove(l22); } } l11 = 0; for (i12 = 0; i12 < arraylist1.size(); i12++) { hashmap1 = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(i12); i20 = Integer.parseInt(hashmap1.get("start").toString()); l11 += 1 + (Integer.parseInt(hashmap1.get("stop").toString()) - i20); } if (l11 <= 90 || l11 <= 150 && Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(-1 + arraylist1.size())).get("stop").toString()) < i10) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", "totalSize too small, so clear"); } for (j12 = -1 + arraylist1.size(); j12 >= 0; j12--) { hashmap = (HashMap)arraylist1.get(j12); a(arraylist, Integer.parseInt(hashmap.get("start").toString()), Integer.parseInt(hashmap.get("stop").toString())); arraylist1.remove(j12); } } k12 = arraylist1.size(); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("now sleeplist=").append(k12).toString()); } if (k12 > 0) { i17 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(0)).get("start").toString()); j17 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(k12 - 1)).get("stop").toString()); k17 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(0)).get("startBed").toString()); l17 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(k12 - 1)).get("stopBed").toString()); i18 = 1; j18 = 0; while (i18 < k12) { k18 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(i18 - 1)).get("stop").toString()); l18 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(i18)).get("start").toString()); i19 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap)arraylist1.get(i18)).get("startBed").toString()); if (i19 > k18) { l19 = -1 + (i19 - k18); if (l19 <= 30) { a(arraylist, k18 + 1, i19 - 1, 7); } else { c(arraylist, k18 + 1, i19 - 1); } j19 = l19 + j18; a(arraylist, i19, l18 - 1, 4); } else if (l18 > k18) { k19 = -1 + (l18 - k18); if (k19 <= 30) { a(arraylist, k18 + 1, l18 - 1, 7); } else { c(arraylist, k18 + 1, l18 - 1); } j19 = k19 + j18; } else { j19 = j18; } i18++; j18 = j19; } l12 = k17; i13 = j17; j13 = i17; k13 = j18; j5 = l17; } else { j5 = 0; l12 = 0; i13 = 0; j13 = 0; k13 = 0; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("sleepanalyze ").append(j13).append("->").append(i13).append(", OnBed=").append(l12).append("->").append(j5).toString()); } if (j13 >= i13) goto _L59; else goto _L58 _L58: if (false) goto _L61; else goto _L60 _L60: if (j13 > 30) { l13 = j13 - 30; } else { l13 = 0; } if (j13 > 15) { i14 = j13 - 15; } else { i14 = 0; } j14 = j13 - 1; k14 = Math.max(l12, l13); l14 = Math.max(l12, i14); flag4 = true; _L81: if (j14 < l14) goto _L63; else goto _L62 _L62: if (flag4 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(j14)).getActivity() < 6) { flag4 = true; } else { flag4 = false; } if (flag4) goto _L64; else goto _L63 _L63: i15 = j14 + 1; if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("k=").append(j14).append(",start=").append(j13).toString()); } if (1 + (j13 - i15) >= 15) { a(arraylist, i15, j13, 5); } else { a(arraylist, i15, j13, 4); } flag5 = true; _L82: if (j14 < k14) goto _L66; else goto _L65 _L65: if (flag5 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(j14)).getActivity() < 30 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(j14)).getStep() == 0) { flag5 = true; } else { flag5 = false; } if (flag5) goto _L67; else goto _L66 _L66: j15 = j14 + 1; if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("k=").append(j14).append(",start=").append(j13).append(",startNREM=").append(i15).toString()); } a(arraylist, j15, i15 - 1, 4); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("prev stop at ").append(i13).toString()); } k15 = i13 + 1; l15 = i13; i16 = 0; _L87: if (k15 > j5) goto _L69; else goto _L68 _L68: j16 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k15)).getSportMode(); if (j16 != 2 && j16 != 1 && j16 != 126) goto _L71; else goto _L70 _L70: l15 = k15 - 1; _L69: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("now stop at ").append(l15).toString()); } i5 = l12; l5 = j15; k5 = l15; i6 = k13; _L90: flag3 = false; if (l5 < k5) { flag3 = true; } Log.i("sleepM", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>>>>analyze: ").append(l5).append("->").append(k5).toString()); if (1 == k2) { k1 = k5; } else if (2 == k2) { j2 = l5; } if (k2 == 0) goto _L73; else goto _L72 _L72: Log.i("sleepM", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>>>>>>now ref=").append(j2).append("->").append(k1).toString()); if (!flag3) { a(arraylist, j2, k1, 100); } else if (l5 != j2 || k5 != k1) { i6 = c(arraylist, j2, k1); } if (flag3) { if (l5 < j2) { a(arraylist, l5, j2 - 1); } if (k5 > k1) { a(arraylist, k1 + 1, k5); } } if (!flag3) goto _L75; else goto _L74 _L74: i9 = j2; _L91: if (i9 >= k && ((SportData)arraylist.get(i9)).getStep() <= 0 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(i9)).getSportMode() != 126 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(i9)).getSportMode() != 6) goto _L77; else goto _L76 _L76: k8 = i9 + 1; j9 = k1; _L92: if (j9 <= l && ((SportData)arraylist.get(j9)).getStep() <= 0 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(j9)).getSportMode() != 126 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(j9)).getSportMode() != 6) goto _L79; else goto _L78 _L78: j8 = j9 - 1; _L93: Log.i("sleepM", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>>>onbed: ").append(k8).append("->").append(j8).toString()); j5 = j8; l8 = k8; k6 = j2; j6 = l8; goto _L80 _L64: j14--; goto _L81 _L67: j14--; goto _L82 _L71: if (j16 != 0 && j16 != 3) goto _L84; else goto _L83 _L83: if (((SportData)arraylist.get(k15)).getActivity() >= 6) goto _L86; else goto _L85 _L85: ((SportData)arraylist.get(k15)).setMode(4); k16 = 0; l16 = k15; _L94: k15++; l15 = l16; i16 = k16; goto _L87 _L86: ((SportData)arraylist.get(k15)).setMode(4); k16 = i16 + 1; if (i16 < 4) goto _L89; else goto _L88 _L88: l15 = k15 - 4; a(arraylist, k15 - 3, k15, 0); goto _L69 _L61: i5 = l12; k5 = i13; l5 = j13; i6 = k13; goto _L90 _L77: i9--; goto _L91 _L79: j9++; goto _L92 _L73: i6 = c(arraylist, l5, k5); j6 = i5; k1 = k5; k6 = l5; _L80: l6 = 0; i7 = 0; j7 = k6; while (j7 <= k1) { if (4 == ((SportData)arraylist.get(j7)).getSportMode()) { i8 = l6 + 1; } else if (5 == ((SportData)arraylist.get(j7)).getSportMode()) { i7++; i8 = l6; } else { i8 = l6; } j7++; l6 = i8; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("total=").append(i7).append(",sleep=").append(k6).append("->").append(k1).append(",").append((float)i7 / (float)(1 + (k1 - k6))).toString()); } if (k6 < k1) { for (k7 = j6; k7 < k6; k7++) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k7)).setMode(7); } for (l7 = k1 + 1; l7 <= j5; l7++) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(l7)).setMode(7); } } return new c(k6, k1, j6, j5, i7, arraylist1.size(), 0, i6, flag3); _L75: j8 = k1; k8 = j2; goto _L93 _L89: l16 = l15; goto _L94 _L84: k16 = i16; l16 = l15; goto _L94 _L59: k5 = i13; l5 = j13; i6 = k13; i5 = 0; j5 = 0; goto _L90 _L55: j34 = j33; k34 = i33; goto _L95 _L53: j34 = j33; k34 = i33; l34 = l33; goto _L96 _L45: i11 = 85; goto _L97 i5 = 0; j5 = 0; k5 = 0; l5 = 0; i6 = 0; goto _L90 _L28: k43 = i43; goto _L31 _L20: j41 = l40; goto _L23 j44 = l43; goto _L15 _L2: j2 = i2; k2 = l1; if (true) goto _L99; else goto _L98 _L98: } private static void a(SharedPreferences sharedpreferences, boolean flag, int k, int l, int i1, int j1, int k1) { android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedpreferences.edit(); if (sharedpreferences == null) { return; } int l1; int i2; int j2; int k2; int l2; if (flag) { l1 = (k + sharedpreferences.getInt("start1", 1440)) / 2; i2 = (l + sharedpreferences.getInt("stop1", 1920)) / 2; j2 = ((i1 * 100) / (1 + (l - k)) + sharedpreferences.getInt("quality1", 85)) / 2; k2 = (j1 + sharedpreferences.getInt("wakecnt1", 1)) / 2; l2 = (k1 + sharedpreferences.getInt("maxnrem", 60)) / 2; editor.putInt("start1", l1); editor.putInt("stop1", i2); editor.putInt("quality1", j2); editor.putInt("wakecnt1", k2); editor.putInt("maxnrem", l2); } else { l1 = (k + sharedpreferences.getInt("start2", 1440)) / 2; i2 = (l + sharedpreferences.getInt("stop2", 1920)) / 2; j2 = ((i1 * 100) / (1 + (l - k)) + sharedpreferences.getInt("quality2", 85)) / 2; k2 = (j1 + sharedpreferences.getInt("wakecnt2", 1)) / 2; l2 = (k1 + sharedpreferences.getInt("maxnrem", 60)) / 2; editor.putInt("start2", l1); editor.putInt("stop2", i2); editor.putInt("quality2", j2); editor.putInt("wakecnt2", k2); editor.putInt("maxnrem", l2); } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("storeRef: ").append(l1).append("->").append(i2).append(",quality=").append(j2).append(",wakecnt=").append(k2).append(",maxnrem=").append(l2).append(",store1=").append(flag).toString()); } editor.commit(); } private static void a(ArrayList arraylist, int k, int l) { int i1 = arraylist.size(); if (i1 != 0 && k < i1 && l < i1 && k <= l) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>resetData[").append(k).append("->").append(l).append("]").toString()); } while (k <= l) { int j1 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getActivity(); int k1 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getStep(); if (((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode() == 4 || ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode() == 5) { if (k1 >= 130) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(2); } else if (k1 > 15) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(1); } else if (j1 <= 1) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(3); } else { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(0); } } k++; } } } private static void a(ArrayList arraylist, int k, int l, int i1) { int j1 = arraylist.size(); if (j1 != 0 && k < j1 && l < j1 && k <= l) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>modifyData[").append(k).append("->").append(l).append("] from ").append(((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode()).append(" to ").append(i1).toString()); } while (k <= l) { if (((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode() != 6) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(i1); } k++; } } } private static void a(ArrayList arraylist, int k, int l, ArrayList arraylist1, boolean flag) { if (k <= l && k < arraylist.size() && l < arraylist.size()) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: return; _L2: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("dataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("filterData ").append(k).append("->").append(l).toString()); } ArrayList arraylist2 = new ArrayList(); int i1 = k + 1; int j1 = k; while (i1 <= l) { HashMap hashmap; int k1; boolean flag1; int l1; int i2; int j2; int k2; boolean flag2; ActiveItem activeitem; ActiveItem activeitem1; int l2; int i3; int j3; int k3; boolean flag3; int l3; int i4; int j4; int k4; int l4; int i5; int j5; int k5; int l5; int i6; int j6; int k6; int l6; int i7; boolean flag4; int j7; int k7; if (((SportData)arraylist.get(i1)).getSportMode() != ((SportData)arraylist.get(i1 - 1)).getSportMode()) { HashMap hashmap1 = new HashMap(); hashmap1.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j1)); hashmap1.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i1 - 1)); hashmap1.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(((SportData)arraylist.get(j1)).getSportMode())); arraylist2.add(hashmap1); k7 = i1; } else { k7 = j1; } i1++; j1 = k7; } hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j1)); hashmap.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(l)); hashmap.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(((SportData)arraylist.get(j1)).getSportMode())); arraylist2.add(hashmap); k1 = 1 + (l - k); if (arraylist2.size() != 1) { break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } j7 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode(); if (j7 == 1 && k1 >= 5 || j7 == 2 && k1 >= 3) { flag2 = true; } else { flag2 = false; } j2 = l; k2 = k; if (flag2) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("dataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("section ").append(k2).append("->").append(j2).toString()); } activeitem1 = new ActiveItem(); activeitem1.start = k2; activeitem1.stop = j2; arraylist1.add(activeitem1); } if (flag) { activeitem = new ActiveItem(); activeitem.flag = 1; arraylist1.add(activeitem); return; } if (true) goto _L1; else goto _L3 _L3: flag1 = false; l1 = arraylist2.size(); i2 = 0; j2 = l; k2 = k; _L12: if (i2 >= l1) goto _L5; else goto _L4 _L4: if (((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("mode")).intValue() != 0) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1329; } k4 = 1 + (((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("stop")).intValue() - ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("start")).intValue()); if (k4 > 1 || i2 <= 0 || i2 >= l1 - 1) goto _L7; else goto _L6 _L6: j6 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); k6 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); l6 = 1 + (((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("stop")).intValue() - ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("start")).intValue()); i7 = 1 + (((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("stop")).intValue() - ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("start")).intValue()); if (l6 < 3 && i7 < 3 && i7 + l6 < 5) goto _L9; else goto _L8 _L8: flag1 = true; if (j6 != k6) goto _L11; else goto _L10 _L10: a(arraylist, ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("start")).intValue(), ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("start")).intValue(), j6); flag4 = flag1; _L13: flag1 = flag4; i4 = j2; j4 = k2; _L14: i2++; k2 = j4; j2 = i4; goto _L12 _L11: a(arraylist, ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("start")).intValue(), ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2)).get("start")).intValue(), 1); _L9: flag4 = flag1; goto _L13 _L7: if (k4 > 1 && i2 > 0 && i2 < l1 - 1) { j5 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); k5 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); l5 = 1 + (((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("stop")).intValue() - ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("start")).intValue()); i6 = 1 + (((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("stop")).intValue() - ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("start")).intValue()); if (l5 >= 3 && j5 == 2 || j5 == 1 && l5 >= 4 || k5 == 2 && i6 >= 3 || k5 == 1 && i6 >= 4) { flag1 = true; } i4 = j2; j4 = k2; } else if (i2 == l1 - 1 && i2 > 0) { i4 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 - 1)).get("stop")).intValue(); j4 = k2; } else { if (i2 != 0 || i2 + 1 >= l1) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1329; } l4 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i2 + 1)).get("start")).intValue(); i5 = j2; j4 = l4; i4 = i5; } goto _L14 _L5: if (!flag1) { if (1 + (j2 - k2) >= 10) { l2 = 0; flag2 = true; i3 = k2; while (i3 <= j2) { j3 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(i3)).getSportMode(); if (j3 == 1 || j3 == 2) { k3 = l2 + 1; } else { k3 = l2; } if (k3 >= (1 + (j2 - k2)) / 2) { flag3 = true; } else { flag3 = false; } i3++; l3 = k3; flag2 = flag3; l2 = l3; } } else { flag2 = false; } } else { flag2 = true; } break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_326; i4 = j2; j4 = k2; goto _L14 } private static void b(ArrayList arraylist, int k, int l) { int i1 = arraylist.size(); if (i1 != 0 && k < i1 && l < i1 && k <= l) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>setSleep[").append(k).append("->").append(l).append("]").toString()); } while (k <= l) { int j1 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getActivity(); if (((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode() != 6 && ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).getSportMode() != 126) { if (j1 < 6) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(5); } else { ((SportData)arraylist.get(k)).setMode(4); } } k++; } } } private static int c(ArrayList arraylist, int k, int l) { int i1; int j1; i1 = 0; j1 = arraylist.size(); if (j1 != 0 && k < j1 && l < j1 && k <= l) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: int k1 = 0; _L6: return k1; _L2: int l1 = k; while (l1 <= l) { int i8 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).getActivity(); if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).getSportMode() != 6) { if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).getSportMode() == 126) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).setMode(100); } else if (((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).getStep() > 0 && i8 >= 60) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).setMode(7); } else if (i8 < 6) { ((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).setMode(5); } else { ((SportData)arraylist.get(l1)).setMode(4); } } l1++; } ArrayList arraylist1 = new ArrayList(); int i2 = k + 1; int j2 = k; k1 = 0; while (i2 <= l) { int k2; HashMap hashmap; int l2; ArrayList arraylist2; int i3; int j3; int k3; HashMap hashmap1; int l3; int i4; int j4; int k4; int l4; int i5; int j5; int k5; HashMap hashmap2; int l5; int i6; int j6; int k6; int l6; int i7; int j7; if (((SportData)arraylist.get(i2)).getSportMode() != ((SportData)arraylist.get(i2 - 1)).getSportMode()) { int k7 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(j2)).getSportMode(); HashMap hashmap3; if (k7 == 5 && i2 - j2 < 15) { a(arraylist, j2, i2 - 1, 4); k7 = 4; } else if (k7 == 4 && i2 - j2 >= 10) { int l7 = k1 + (i2 - j2); a(arraylist, j2, i2 - 1, 7); k1 = l7; k7 = 7; } else if (k7 == 7) { k1 += i2 - j2; } hashmap3 = new HashMap(); hashmap3.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j2)); hashmap3.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i2 - 1)); hashmap3.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(k7)); arraylist1.add(hashmap3); j7 = i2; } else { j7 = j2; } i2++; j2 = j7; } k2 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(j2)).getSportMode(); if (k2 == 5 && (l + 1) - j2 < 15) { a(arraylist, j2, l, 4); k2 = 4; } else if (k2 == 4 && (l + 1) - j2 >= 10) { k1 += (l + 1) - j2; a(arraylist, j2, l, 7); k2 = 7; } else if (k2 == 7) { k1 += (l + 1) - j2; } hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j2)); hashmap.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(l)); hashmap.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(k2)); arraylist1.add(hashmap); l2 = 0; if (l2 >= arraylist1.size()) { break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } l5 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist1.get(l2)).get("start")).intValue(); i6 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist1.get(l2)).get("stop")).intValue(); j6 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist1.get(l2)).get("mode")).intValue(); k6 = 1 + (i6 - l5); if (j6 != 7 && (j6 == 4 || j6 == 5) && j6 == 4 && k6 < 15 && l2 > 0 && l2 < -1 + arraylist1.size()) { l6 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist1.get(l2 - 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); i7 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist1.get(l2 + 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); if (l6 == 5 && i7 == 5) { a(arraylist, l5, i6, 5); } } l2++; if (true) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L4: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_536; _L3: arraylist2 = new ArrayList(); i3 = k + 1; j3 = k; while (i3 <= l) { if (((SportData)arraylist.get(i3)).getSportMode() != ((SportData)arraylist.get(i3 - 1)).getSportMode()) { k5 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(j3)).getSportMode(); hashmap2 = new HashMap(); hashmap2.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j3)); hashmap2.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i3 - 1)); hashmap2.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(k5)); arraylist2.add(hashmap2); j5 = i3; } else { j5 = j3; } i3++; j3 = j5; } k3 = ((SportData)arraylist.get(j3)).getSportMode(); hashmap1 = new HashMap(); hashmap1.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j3)); hashmap1.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(l)); hashmap1.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(k3)); arraylist2.add(hashmap1); while (i1 < arraylist2.size()) { l3 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i1)).get("start")).intValue(); i4 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i1)).get("stop")).intValue(); j4 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i1)).get("mode")).intValue(); k4 = 1 + (i4 - l3); if (j4 == 4 && k4 < 15 && i1 > 0 && i1 < -1 + arraylist2.size()) { l4 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i1 - 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); i5 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist2.get(i1 + 1)).get("mode")).intValue(); if (l4 == i5) { a(arraylist, l3, i4, l4); if (l4 == 7) { k1 += k4; } } else if (l4 == 7 || i5 == 7) { a(arraylist, l3, i4, 7); k1 += k4; } } i1++; } if (true) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: } public static void dataPostProcess(Context context, DaySportData daysportdata, DaySportData daysportdata1, DaySportData daysportdata2) { int ai[] = { i.length, 3 }; double ad[][] = (double[][])Array.newInstance(Double.TYPE, ai); double d1 = 0.0D; long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList arraylist; ArrayList arraylist1; ArrayList arraylist2; boolean flag; ArrayList arraylist3; boolean flag1; boolean flag2; ArrayList arraylist4; ArrayList arraylist5; cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.chart.util.ChartData.UserSleepModify usersleepmodify; cn.com.smartdevices.bracelet.chart.util.ChartData.UserSleepModify usersleepmodify1; ArrayList arraylist6; PersonInfo personinfo; double d2; int k; SharedPreferences sharedpreferences; Calendar calendar; int i1; boolean flag3; int j1; char c1; char c2; c c3; int k1; int l1; int i2; int j2; int k2; char c4; int l2; int i3; int j3; c c5; int k3; int l3; int i4; int j4; int k4; ArrayList arraylist7; int l4; int i5; int j5; int k5; int l5; int i6; int j6; ArrayList arraylist8; double d3; int k6; int l6; int i7; double d4; double d5; int j7; int k7; int l7; StageSteps stagesteps; int i8; HashMap hashmap; int j8; int k8; int l8; ArrayList arraylist9; int i9; int j9; ArrayList arraylist10; int k9; int l9; SleepInfo sleepinfo; StepsInfo stepsinfo; Calendar calendar1; Calendar calendar2; int i10; int j10; int k10; ArrayList arraylist11; int l10; CloneNotSupportedException clonenotsupportedexception; int i11; int j11; int k11; int l11; int i12; int j12; int k12; double d6; double d7; int l12; ActiveItem activeitem; int i13; ActiveItem activeitem1; int j13; int k13; int l13; boolean flag4; int i14; int j14; int k14; int l14; boolean flag5; int i15; int j15; int k15; int l15; int i16; HashMap hashmap1; int j16; int k16; int l16; byte byte0; int i17; int j17; int k17; int l17; int i18; int j18; int k18; b b1; int l18; int i19; int j19; int k19; double d8; double d9; int l19; double d10; int i20; int j20; int k20; HashMap hashmap2; int l20; int i21; int j21; double d11; double d12; int k21; double d13; int l21; double d14; int i22; int j22; int k22; StageSteps stagesteps1; int l22; int i23; int j23; double d15; int k23; double d16; int l23; int i24; char c6; int j24; int k24; int l24; int i25; int j25; int k25; int l25; if (daysportdata != null) { arraylist = Utils.copy(daysportdata.data()); } else { arraylist = null; } arraylist1 = null; if (daysportdata1 != null) { arraylist1 = Utils.copy(daysportdata1.data()); } arraylist2 = null; if (daysportdata2 != null) { arraylist2 = Utils.copy(daysportdata2.data()); } if (arraylist1 != null && arraylist1.size() >= 1) goto _L2; else goto _L1 _L1: return; _L2: if (arraylist == null || arraylist.size() < 1) { flag = true; arraylist3 = new ArrayList(); } else { arraylist3 = arraylist; flag = false; } arraylist3.addAll(arraylist1); if (arraylist2 == null || arraylist2.size() < 1) { flag1 = true; flag2 = flag; arraylist4 = arraylist1; arraylist5 = arraylist3; } else { arraylist3.addAll(arraylist2); flag2 = flag; arraylist4 = arraylist1; arraylist5 = arraylist3; flag1 = false; } usersleepmodify = ChartData.getDynamicData().getUserSleepModify(daysportdata1.getSportDay()); if (usersleepmodify != null) { Log.i("sleepM", (new StringBuilder()).append("####ref=").append(usersleepmodify.sleepStart).append(", ").append(usersleepmodify.sleepEnd).toString()); if ((usersleepmodify.sleepStart < -1440 || usersleepmodify.sleepStart >= 1440) && (usersleepmodify.sleepEnd < -1440 || usersleepmodify.sleepEnd >= 1440)) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", "sleepReference not valid!!!"); usersleepmodify = null; } } usersleepmodify1 = null; if (!flag1) { usersleepmodify1 = ChartData.getDynamicData().getUserSleepModify(daysportdata2.getSportDay()); if (usersleepmodify1 != null) { Log.i("sleepM", (new StringBuilder()).append("####ref2=").append(usersleepmodify1.sleepStart).append(", ").append(usersleepmodify1.sleepEnd).toString()); if ((usersleepmodify1.sleepStart < -1440 || usersleepmodify1.sleepStart >= 1440) && (usersleepmodify1.sleepEnd < -1440 || usersleepmodify1.sleepEnd >= 1440)) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", "sleepReference2 not valid!!!"); usersleepmodify1 = null; } } } arraylist6 = new ArrayList(); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("last=").append(daysportdata).append(",curr=").append(daysportdata1).append(",next=").append(daysportdata2).toString()); } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>Analyze ").append(daysportdata1.getYear()).append(":").append(daysportdata1.getMonth()).append(":").append(daysportdata1.getDay()).toString()); } personinfo = Keeper.readPersonInfoBase(); if (personinfo == null || personinfo.height <= 0) { throw new NullPointerException("Keeper.readPersonInfo"); } d2 = (0.41999999999999998D * (double)personinfo.height) / 100D; k = personinfo.getDaySportGoalSteps(); if (k < 0) { throw new NullPointerException("Keeper.readDaySportGoals"); } if (context != null) { sharedpreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(String.valueOf(personinfo.uid), 0); } else { sharedpreferences = null; } calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.clear(); calendar.set(daysportdata1.getYear(), daysportdata1.getMonth(), daysportdata1.getDay(), 0, 0); i1 = calendar.get(7); flag3 = true; if (i1 == 7 || i1 == 1) { flag3 = false; } if (flag2) { j1 = 0; } else { j1 = 1080; } if (flag2) { c1 = '\u04B0'; } else { c1 = '\u0A50'; } if (flag2) { c2 = '\uFA60'; } else { c2 = '\0'; } c3 = a(arraylist5, j1, c1, sharedpreferences, flag3, c2, flag1, flag2, usersleepmodify, 1440); if (c3.f > 0) { k1 = -1 + c3.f; } else { k1 = 0; } l1 = c3.h; i2 = c3.e; if (!flag2 && c3.a < c3.b) { l24 = c3.a; i25 = c3.b; j25 = c3.e; k25 = c3.f; l25 = c3.g; a(sharedpreferences, flag3, l24, i25, j25, k25, l25); } j2 = 1 + c3.d; if (c3.a == c3.b) { if (flag2) { j2 = 0; } else { j2 = 1440; } } k2 = -1 + Math.min(c1, arraylist5.size()); a(arraylist5, j2, k2); if (flag2) { c4 = '\u0438'; } else { c4 = '\u09D8'; } if (flag2) { l2 = 2640; } else { l2 = 4080; } if (flag1) { l2 = (c4 - 1080) + arraylist4.size(); } if (flag2) { i3 = 0; } else { i3 = 1440; } j3 = l2 - 1; c5 = a(arraylist5, c4, j3, sharedpreferences, flag3, i3, flag1, flag2, usersleepmodify1, 2880); if (flag1) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("no next day, so reset ").append(c5.c).append("->").append(c5.d).toString()); } if (c5.c < c5.d) { j24 = c5.c; k24 = c5.d; a(arraylist5, j24, k24); } } k3 = c3.a; l3 = c3.b; if (k3 == l3) { if (flag2) { c6 = '\0'; } else { c6 = '\u05A0'; } i4 = c6; j4 = c6; } else { i4 = l3; j4 = k3; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("sleep ").append(j4).append("->").append(i4).toString()); } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append(">>>>height=").append(personinfo.height).append(",weight=").append(personinfo.weight).toString()); } if (personinfo.gender != 0); for (k4 = 0; k4 < i.length; k4++) { ad[k4][0] = (int)((1609D * i[k4][1]) / (60D * d2)); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("alist ").append(k4).append(":").append(ad[k4][0]).toString()); } ad[k4][1] = i[k4][0]; ad[k4][2] = i[k4][1]; } arraylist7 = new ArrayList(); if (flag2) { l4 = 0; } else if (j4 < 1440) { l4 = j4; } else { l4 = 1440; } if (flag2) { i5 = 0; } else { i5 = 1440; } j5 = Math.min(i5 + 1440, arraylist5.size()); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("startAnalyze=").append(l4).append(",stopSleep=").append(i4).append(",time:").append(daysportdata1.getMonth()).append(":").append(daysportdata1.getDay()).toString()); } k5 = 0; l5 = 0; i6 = 0; j6 = 0; arraylist8 = new ArrayList(); d3 = 1.5D; k6 = 0; l6 = l4 + 1; i7 = -1; d4 = 0.0D; d5 = 0.0D; j7 = 0; k7 = 0; l7 = l4; if (l6 >= j5) goto _L4; else goto _L3 _L3: j18 = ((SportData)arraylist5.get(l6)).getStep(); k18 = ((SportData)arraylist5.get(l6)).getSportMode(); b1 = new b(null); if (k18 < 0 || k18 > 7 || k18 == 6 || j18 <= 0 || l6 < i5) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_5012; } i21 = k7 + j18; if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("i=").append(l6).append(":steps=").append(j18).toString()); } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("alist size=").append(ad.length).toString()); } if (j18 > 120) { j21 = 125; } else { j21 = 100; } if (j18 <= 90) { d11 = 0.90000000000000002D * (d2 * (double)j18); } else { d11 = (d2 * (double)j18 * (double)j18) / (double)j21; } d12 = d5 + d11; k21 = ((SportData)arraylist5.get(l6)).getRuns(); if (k21 > 0) { d13 = d4 + d11 * (0.20000000000000001D + (double)((k21 * 2) / 15)); } else { d13 = d4; } l21 = 0; if (l21 < -1 + j.length && d11 > j[l21][0]) goto _L6; else goto _L5 _L5: b1.a = d11; b1.b = (d11 * (2.2046000000000001D * (double)personinfo.weight * j[l21][1])) / (60D * j[l21][0]); d14 = d1 + b1.b; if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("iDistance=").append(d11).append(",p=").append(l21).append(",cals=").append(d14).toString()); } i22 = k6 + j18; if (i22 >= k && i7 < 0) { j22 = l6; } else { j22 = i7; } k22 = (l6 - i5) / 60; if (k22 != j6) { stagesteps1 = new StageSteps(); stagesteps1.time = j6; stagesteps1.steps = i6; stagesteps1.distance = k5; if (l5 > 60) { l22 = l5 / 60; } else { l22 = 1; } stagesteps1.count = l22; if (i6 > 0) { i23 = j7 + stagesteps1.count; arraylist6.add(stagesteps1); } else { i23 = j7; } j23 = (int)d11; if (j18 > 0 && j18 <= 60) { k23 = (int)((double)j18 / d3); d15 = d3; } else if (j18 > 60) { k23 = 60; d15 = (d3 + (double)(j18 / 60)) / 2D; } else { d15 = d3; k23 = l5; } d3 = d15; l5 = k23; l19 = i23; l18 = i22; i19 = k22; i7 = j22; d10 = d14; i20 = i21; d16 = d13; j19 = j18; k19 = j23; d8 = d16; d9 = d12; } else { l23 = i6 + j18; i24 = k5 + (int)d11; if (j18 > 0 && j18 <= 60) { l5 += (int)((double)j18 / d3); i19 = j6; i7 = j22; d9 = d12; l19 = j7; d8 = d13; j19 = l23; k19 = i24; l18 = i22; d10 = d14; i20 = i21; } else if (j18 > 60) { l5 += 60; d3 = (d3 + (double)(j18 / 60)) / 2D; i19 = j6; i7 = j22; d9 = d12; l19 = j7; d8 = d13; j19 = l23; k19 = i24; l18 = i22; d10 = d14; i20 = i21; } else { i19 = j6; i7 = j22; d9 = d12; l19 = j7; d8 = d13; j19 = l23; k19 = i24; l18 = i22; d10 = d14; i20 = i21; } } _L18: arraylist8.add(b1); j20 = ((SportData)arraylist5.get(l6)).getSportMode(); k20 = l6 - 1; if (j20 != ((SportData)arraylist5.get(k20)).getSportMode()) { hashmap2 = new HashMap(); hashmap2.put("start", Integer.valueOf(l7)); hashmap2.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(l6 - 1)); hashmap2.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(((SportData)arraylist5.get(l7)).getSportMode())); arraylist7.add(hashmap2); l20 = l6; } else { l20 = l7; } l6++; l7 = l20; d5 = d9; j7 = l19; k7 = i20; d1 = d10; i6 = j19; k5 = k19; d4 = d8; k6 = l18; j6 = i19; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1570; _L6: l21++; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_1813; _L4: if (i6 > 0) { stagesteps = new StageSteps(); stagesteps.time = j6; stagesteps.steps = i6; stagesteps.distance = k5; if (l5 > 60) { i8 = l5 / 60; } else { i8 = 1; } stagesteps.count = i8; j7 += stagesteps.count; arraylist6.add(stagesteps); } hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("start", Integer.valueOf(l7)); hashmap.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(j5 - 1)); hashmap.put("mode", Integer.valueOf(((SportData)arraylist5.get(l7)).getSportMode())); arraylist7.add(hashmap); j8 = 0; k8 = 0; l8 = 0; if (j8 >= arraylist7.size()) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_3104; } j16 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist7.get(j8)).get("start")).intValue(); k16 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist7.get(j8)).get("stop")).intValue(); l16 = ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist7.get(j8)).get("mode")).intValue(); if (l16 == 3 || l16 == 0) { byte0 = 0; } else if (l16 == 1 || l16 == 2) { byte0 = 1; } else { byte0 = 2; } if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("sleepAnalyze", (new StringBuilder()).append("mList[").append(j8).append("]:[").append(j16).append("->").append(k16).append("],mode=").append(l16).toString()); } if (l16 == 6) { break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_3093; } if (l16 == 7) { i17 = k8; j17 = l8; } else { label0: { if (l16 != 4 && l16 != 5) { break label0; } i17 = k8; j17 = l8; } } _L8: j8++; k8 = i17; l8 = j17; break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_2714; if (1 == byte0) { k17 = 1 + (k16 - j16); if (i5 > j16 && k16 >= i5) { l17 = 1 + (k16 - i5); } else { l17 = k17; } for (i18 = j16; i18 <= k16; i18++) { l8 += 10 * ((SportData)arraylist5.get(i18)).getRuns(); } k8 = Math.max(k8, l17); } if (l16 == 3 && k16 - j16 < 30) { a(arraylist5, j16, k16, 0); ((HashMap)arraylist7.get(j8)).put("mode", Integer.valueOf(0)); } i17 = k8; j17 = l8; if (true) goto _L8; else goto _L7 _L7: arraylist9 = new ArrayList(); i9 = l4 + 1; j9 = l4; while (i9 < j5) { i15 = ((SportData)arraylist5.get(i9)).getSportMode(); j15 = i9 - 1; if (i15 != ((SportData)arraylist5.get(j15)).getSportMode()) { l15 = i9 - 1; i16 = ((SportData)arraylist5.get(l15)).getSportMode(); if (i16 == 0 && i9 - j9 >= 10 || i16 != 1 && i16 != 2 && i16 != 0) { if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("dataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("intv ").append(j9).append("->").append(i9 - 1).toString()); } hashmap1 = new HashMap(); if (j9 >= i5) { hashmap1.put("start", Integer.valueOf(j9)); hashmap1.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i9 - 1)); arraylist9.add(hashmap1); } else if (i9 - 1 >= i5) { hashmap1.put("start", Integer.valueOf(i5)); hashmap1.put("stop", Integer.valueOf(i9 - 1)); arraylist9.add(hashmap1); } } k15 = i9; } else { k15 = j9; } i9++; j9 = k15; } arraylist10 = new ArrayList(); for (k9 = 1; k9 < arraylist9.size(); k9++) { k14 = 1 + ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist9.get(k9 - 1)).get("stop")).intValue(); l14 = -1 + ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist9.get(k9)).get("start")).intValue(); flag5 = false; if (i7 > 0) { flag5 = false; if (i7 >= k14) { flag5 = false; if (i7 <= l14) { flag5 = true; } } } a(arraylist5, k14, l14, arraylist10, flag5); } if (arraylist9.size() <= 0) goto _L10; else goto _L9 _L9: l13 = j5 - 1; _L14: if (l13 > ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist9.get(-1 + arraylist9.size())).get("stop")).intValue() && ((SportData)arraylist5.get(l13)).getSportMode() == 126) goto _L12; else goto _L11 _L11: flag4 = false; if (i7 > 0) { j14 = 1 + ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist9.get(-1 + arraylist9.size())).get("stop")).intValue(); flag4 = false; if (i7 >= j14) { flag4 = false; if (i7 <= l13) { flag4 = true; } } } i14 = 1 + ((Integer)((HashMap)arraylist9.get(-1 + arraylist9.size())).get("stop")).intValue(); a(arraylist5, i14, l13, arraylist10, flag4); _L10: l9 = 0; while (l9 < arraylist10.size()) { if (((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).flag == 0) { j11 = ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).start; k11 = ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).stop; l11 = 0; i12 = 1; j12 = 0; k12 = j11; d6 = 0.0D; d7 = 0.0D; l12 = 0; while (k12 <= k11) { k13 = -1 + (k12 - l4); d6 += ((b)arraylist8.get(k13)).a; d7 += ((b)arraylist8.get(k13)).b; if (((SportData)arraylist5.get(k12)).getSportMode() == 2) { l11++; j12++; } else if (((SportData)arraylist5.get(k12)).getSportMode() == 1) { j12++; } else if (((SportData)arraylist5.get(k12)).getSportMode() == 0) { i12 = 0; } l12 += ((SportData)arraylist5.get(k12)).getStep(); k12++; } if (l11 == 1 + (k11 - j11)) { i12 = 2; } ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).mode = i12; activeitem = (ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9); if (j11 >= 1440) { i13 = j11 - 1440; } else { i13 = j11; } activeitem.start = i13; activeitem1 = (ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9); if (k11 >= 1440) { j13 = k11 - 1440; } else { j13 = k11; } activeitem1.stop = j13; ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).distance = (int)d6; ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).calories = (int)d7; ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).runtime = l11; ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).steps = l12; ((ActiveItem)arraylist10.get(l9)).activeTime = j12; } l9++; } break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ _L12: l13--; if (true) goto _L14; else goto _L13 _L13: if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", "filter done"); } sleepinfo = new SleepInfo(); stepsinfo = new StepsInfo(); calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar1.clear(); calendar2.clear(); if (flag2) { calendar1.set(daysportdata1.getYear(), daysportdata1.getMonth(), daysportdata1.getDay(), 0, 0); calendar2.set(daysportdata1.getYear(), daysportdata1.getMonth(), daysportdata1.getDay(), 0, 0); } else { calendar1.set(daysportdata.getYear(), daysportdata.getMonth(), daysportdata.getDay(), 0, 0); calendar2.set(daysportdata.getYear(), daysportdata.getMonth(), daysportdata.getDay(), 0, 0); } if (i4 > j4) { i10 = (1 + (i4 - j4)) - l1; } else { i10 = 0; } if (i10 > 0) { calendar1.add(12, j4); calendar2.add(12, i4 + 1); sleepinfo.setStartDate(calendar1.getTime()); sleepinfo.setStopDate(calendar2.getTime()); sleepinfo.setSleepCount(i10); sleepinfo.setRemCount(i10 - i2); sleepinfo.setNonRemCount(i2); if (l1 < 0) { i11 = 0; } else { i11 = l1; } sleepinfo.setAwakeCount(i11); sleepinfo.setAwakeNum(k1); calendar1.add(12, c3.c - j4); calendar2.add(12, c3.d - i4); sleepinfo.setStartOnBedDate(calendar1.getTime()); sleepinfo.setStopOnBedDate(calendar2.getTime()); } else { if (!flag2) { calendar1.add(5, 1); calendar2.add(5, 1); } sleepinfo.setStartDate(calendar1.getTime()); sleepinfo.setStopDate(calendar2.getTime()); sleepinfo.setStartOnBedDate(calendar1.getTime()); sleepinfo.setStopOnBedDate(calendar2.getTime()); sleepinfo.setNosleepReason(SleepInfo.NOSLEEP_NONWEAR); } sleepinfo.setHasSleep(c3.i); if (usersleepmodify != null && usersleepmodify.sleepStart > 0x80000000) { sleepinfo.setUserSleepStart(usersleepmodify.sleepStart); } if (usersleepmodify != null && usersleepmodify.sleepEnd > 0x80000000) { sleepinfo.setUserSleepEnd(usersleepmodify.sleepEnd); } stepsinfo.setStepsCount(k7); j10 = l8 / 60; if (j7 >= j10) { k10 = j7 - j10; } else { k10 = j7; } stepsinfo.setStepsTimeCount(k10); stepsinfo.setRunTimeCount(j10); stepsinfo.setDistance((int)d5); stepsinfo.setRunDistance((int)d4); stepsinfo.setCalories((int)d1); stepsinfo.setActMinutes(j7); stepsinfo.setContinuesActive(k8); stepsinfo.setStageSteps(arraylist6); stepsinfo.setActiveList(arraylist10); if (DEBUG) { Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("Sleep(").append(calendar1.toString()).append("->").append(calendar2.toString()).append("), sleeps=").append(i10).append(",REM=").append(0).append(",NREM=").append(i2).append(",Steps=").append(k7).append(",totalStepMins=").append(j7).append(",totalRunMins=").append(j10).toString()); } daysportdata1.setStepsInfo(stepsinfo); daysportdata1.setSleepInfo(sleepinfo); daysportdata1.setAnalysisData(arraylist4); daysportdata1.setNeedPostProcess(false); if (usersleepmodify == null || flag2 || usersleepmodify.sleepStart >= 0) { continue; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } arraylist11 = new ArrayList(1440); l10 = 0; if (l10 >= 1440) { break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */ } arraylist11.add(((SportData)arraylist5.get(l10)).copy()); l10++; if (true) goto _L16; else goto _L15 _L16: break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_4685; clonenotsupportedexception; clonenotsupportedexception.printStackTrace(); arraylist11.clear(); _L15: daysportdata.setAnalysisData(arraylist11); daysportdata.setNeedPostProcess(false); if (!DEBUG) goto _L1; else goto _L17 _L17: Debug.i("DataAnalysis", (new StringBuilder()).append("used ").append(System.currentTimeMillis() - l).append("ms!").toString()); return; l18 = k6; i19 = j6; j19 = i6; k19 = k5; d8 = d4; d9 = d5; l19 = j7; d10 = d1; i20 = k7; goto _L18 } static { DEBUG = true; } }